Thursday, July 16, 2009

Salad is here!

Hee Hee, sorry to spark your interest, but there is no salad. None. Zero. Don't even try looking for it. Even if there were, I'm sure it would be locked away in some tall tower somewhere, probably with a dragon or something. And maybe a bunch of knights would come, and they would just be really repetitive, and attack the dragon, and capture it or something. Then they would go up and walk into the room on the tallest tower, and say some really weird speech like "Fear not princess, I have captured the dragon and (wheeze) climbed this enourmous (gasp) set of stairs (pant pant) to rescue you! And then he would pull the curtain away, discover the salad, and be really mad, since he climbed the staircase for nothing. So then he would kick the salad out the window, and the dragon (who was really hungry from being tied up whenever a knight came and struggling to get free) would break out of it's ropes/chains/cage/room filled with pictures of penguins and eat the salad.

And if all that happened, you couldn't get the salad because the dragon ate it, so what would the point of standing on a hill and shouting bravely (with sword in ground and helmet in hand like a boring and very cliche knight) : "Salad is Here!" ? Well, mainly because if you did that at just the right moment, the dragon might start laughing so hard at you that it would choke up a bit of the salad, which you would grab. The, of course, you would place it in a museum and call it macaroni. Well, no, you wouldn't, since it's salad, not Macaroni, but that doesn't matter too much (right?).


Elizabeth Watt said...

if that was the case i would order barbecue.

Professor Goon said...

My favorite number is 10 besides, i also like;12,23,5,2,4,745,7,4,456,2,34,6,65,756,67,9,678,5,4,34,4,6,754,7,8,56,7567,56,75,54,3r846,9,79,56,85,67,,756,4,4,5,56,45,,5,7,4,4,4,3,3,2,345,,2456,345,45,6,7634,57345,734576546,65,t,5467,678435673567, and 46.

he who did not say said...

I believe that it does matter, whether it is salad or macaroni, because if it is salad the museum will assume you are crazy and if it is macaroni the museum will assume you are crazy. There is a very astute difference.

Mr.Soapsuds said...

i dont like salad

he with hair said...

I have salad in my hair! isnt that a kowinkydink