Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hello! Sorry, I was unable to update my blog for a really long time. We went on a vacation to the Forks/La Push area (Yes, that is where Twilight took place, but sadly we didn't find any 
vampires). I will try to update more!


Hannah said...

It should say "Post a piece of choclate fudge". "Comments" si so original. THat is so cool that you went to the actual Twilight place. I don't think you are a fan, but did you see any souveniers there?RElly excited for New Years tonight! You guys are coming over! Yay!

Anonymous said...

I should say! What a smelly pile! I already found a goat today! Why do you have to make my day worse? I have done it you know! Found the fungi hidden under the rock! Now go away!